Hi Rob,auscab wrote:Markus,charangohabsburg wrote:
I solder my bandsaw blades until they get too short. I made a jig to align the blade. Good alignment is essential. Soldered blades will break next time at a different spot.
I should look in to doing repairs to my blades. I can weld and braze , I have never done much soldering though.
Do you scarf join them?
And do you know if silver or bronze brazing would be better, or not necessary ?
Generally the "soldering" employed is silver soldering/ silver brazing. Not sure which exact alloy is used tho', as I got given a small amount by my local friendly bandsaw blade supplier. Have used that succesfully for blade repairs, as well as other silver soldering, using appropriate flux, and MAPP gas.
I have scarf joined, but was informed by the saw mob above that they in fact butt join. That said, I have never had one of their blades break at the join either.