End Graft Install - Video

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End Graft Install - Video

Post by Allen » Wed Aug 21, 2019 4:59 pm

I get asked often how I manage to inlay the tapered shape of my end grafts so cleanly. It's pretty quick and easy with the set up I've built to fit my particular shape. Though dialing in everything did take some trial and error. It's amazing how much a difference 0.01mm will make to the fit when you have a curve to the side of the inlay instead of just a straight taper.

It doesn't matter how deep the instrument is at the butt. It works from everything from a soprano to a baritone.

The End Graft is cut on the laser, as was the perspex template that is used in the jig.

Allen R. McFarlen
Cairns, Australia

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Joseph Jones
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Re: End Graft Install - Video

Post by Joseph Jones » Wed Aug 21, 2019 11:16 pm

Nicely done.

I noticed your endgraft has a curve to it.
Do you have separate template to cut that or....?

The stone is hard and the drop is small but a hole is made by the constant fall.

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Re: End Graft Install - Video

Post by Allen » Thu Aug 22, 2019 7:06 am

Yes, the endgraft sides have a curve to them. I cut them on my laser so they are the same every time. If you didn't have a laser then a different template could be used to either mark them and cut, or route.

Previously I cut them by hand and inlaid by gluing the purfling to the edges, and then scribe the edges and route out with a dremel on a StewMac base. Extremely tedious process that took way too long and fit was never 100% to my satisfaction.

So when I had 8 instruments on the go at the same time and didn't relish spending a couple of days trying to get them right, I decided I needed to streamline this part of the build process.
Allen R. McFarlen
Cairns, Australia

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